Tuesday, March 2

Eric Maaske

I saw a guy with a really bad Man's Ruin tattoo in a coffee shop today and it made me think about my Mans Ruin tattoo, and how stoked I was that Eric Maaske did it. And then I started thinkin about Eric and what a good guy he was. And even though he's been gone for a while now, I still think about him and hangin out at his shop. I hope his life and work will be remembered for a very long time. I stole the pic of him and Dave from Dave's blog...


Super71 said...

I have some Eric tats from 89,cool man,showed me around LA first time out.

Flathead Jedd said...

I'm proud to say I too have a few tattoos done by Eric. They are without a doubt my best work.

Chopperdave said...

I miss him